DHC2 "Do you have a pen"

The second you lesson began, I thought that it was going to be very entertaining and I was right!
★ Good Points
- Your dialogue was fantastic! It was funny and it was easy to understand the Meaning of "Do you~" "Yes I do" "No I don't".
- The volume of your voice was very good!
- Although this lesson was for Ms. Yoshida and not Mr. Abdoreim, Mr. Abdoreim also seemed to understand very well!
- Pronunciation practice was well coordinated.
- Your visuals were fantastic. Please save them and use them again!
- Your practice activity and game were fun and made good practice of the target structure.
★ Suggestions for an Even Better Lesson
- During pronuciation practice, everyone was repeating after Keita. After a while, the repetition became a little redundant. I think that next time the teacher, after practicing a few times the teacher can point to the picture and have only the students say the word.
- During pronunication practice, it might have been nice to call on individual students to say a word rather than having the practive be choral the whole time.
- "Do you like a cake?" should be "Do you like cake". No article is necessary. I will explain why in class.
- During the Karuta game you told people to make groups but you did not say how many people in a group (or did you?).
- Although the Karuta game was fun, you might want to try the following idea next time: The student who picks up a card first (for example, let's say the card is tennis) is asked "Do you play tennis" by the group. The student then answers "Yes I do." or "No I don't". You can also call on individual winners to answer the question in front of the class.
- The class was good practice for speaking and listening, but I think you should have also had a little writing. Classes should have a mixture of speaking, reading, listening, and writing.
- There was a lot of practice of "Do you~" but very few communicative activities. The function given for "Do you ~ " in the textbook is to interview people. Next time, you might want to design some activity where students have to interview each other and find out some authentic information.
Well, like Team A, you did a great job. I really enjoyed your lesson and keep up the good work!
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